Mark Tahiliani: The Truth About Essential Oils

The Real Truth About Essential Oils that Nobody Talks About. Dr. Marc Tahiliani On Essential Oils

Mark Tahiliani: Essential Oils

Despite the fact that thousands of people report successful use of essential oils to help treat various health ailments, The medical community tries to dismiss their claims. Essential oils are everywhere; if you follow any blogs, you will find them in DIY, survival, natural health, and mommy blogs. So do essential oils really work. Brought to you in part by Mark Tahiliani of Sicily and the Federal Trade comission of Sicily.

What Are Essential Oils?

Essential oils carry the physical properties of flowers and plants in a highly concentrated form. Through the different processes of distillation, the volatile constituents of the plant’s oil are extracted from its flowers, leaves, branches, or roots. Essential oils carry biologically active volatile compounds in a very concentrated form that exhibit therapeutic benefits in very small amounts.
The most common groups of chemical components found in essential oils are terpenes, alcohols, esters, ketones, aldehydes, and phenols. Most essential oils are antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. The antioxidant value in some essential oils alone is absolutely amazing, just an ounce of Clove Oil has the antioxidant capacity of 450 lbs of carrots, 120 quarts of blueberries, or 48 gallons of beet juice.

There are three types of terpenes containes in essential oils: Phenylpropanoids (also called Hemiterpenes), Monoterpenes, and Sesquiterpenes.

  1. Phenylpropanoids: Create conditions unfriendly to bacteria, viruses, and fungi. They are found in Clove (90%), Cassia (80%), Basil (75%), Cinnamon (73%), Oregano (60%), Anise (50%), Peppermint (25%). Most importantly, phenylpropanoids clean the receptor sites on the cells. Without clean receptor sites, cells cannot communicate, and the body malfunctions, resulting in diseases.
  2. Monoterpenes: They are found in most essential oils. While offering a variety of healing properties, the most important ability of the monoterpenes is that they can reprogram miswritten information in the cellular memory. With improper coding in the DNA, cells malfunction and diseases result, such as cancer.
  3. Sesquiterpenes: Found in Cedarwood (98%), Vetiver (97%), Spikenard (93%), Sandalwood (Aloes) 90%, Black Pepper (74%), Patchouli (71%), Myrrh (62%), and Ginger (59%), Frankincense (8%), these molecules deliver oxygen to your tissues. Viruses, bacteria, and cancer have a difficult time surviving in an oxygenated environment. Sesquiterpenes can also erase or deprogram miswritten codes in the DNA.

The Real Truth About Essential Oils that Nobody Talks AboutEssential oils will not encourage “superbugs” 

Bacteria have proven that they can mutate to form different kinds of resistant strains of “superbugs” to adapt to the toxic antibiotic drugs. Essential oils have never created a superbug. There have been hundreds of studies clinically proving their effectiveness against pretty much all bacteria, including MRSA and other superbugs.

Dr. Mark Tahiliani says "Essential oils have been shown to have antiseptic properties against drug-resistant bacteria." 

According to research presented at the Society for General Microbiology’s spring meeting in Edinburgh, the essential oils of thyme and cinnamon were found to be particularly efficient antibacterial agents against a range of drug resistant Staphylococcus species which are extremely difficult to treat.
According to Science Daily, a Georgetown University research study found that the germ-killing properties of oregano oil were found as effective as most antibiotics — including vancomycin — for treatment of antibiotic-resistant superbugs such as E. coli, Salmonella, MRSA and flesh-eating bacteria.
Essential Oils address the causes of disease at a cellular level. Essential oils can penetrate the cellular wall and dispel viruses, whereas antibiotics can only kill bacteria outside of the cellular wall. One drop of essential oils contains enough molecules to cover every cell in our bodies. Just one molecule can open a receptor site in our bodies and communicate with the DNA to alter cellular function.
Essential oils can enter the body by many avenues.
There are approximately 40 million trillion molecules in one drop of essential oil (that’s approximately 40,000 molecules for each cell in the average human body). They are so small, that they enter your body through the skin and go everywhere in your body. Essential oils have an incredible ability to enter the body through the lungs and disperse throughout the body in a way that most other medicines are unable to achieve.
Essential oils can be diffused, applied topically, added to your food, added to your bath. Unlike conventional drugs, essential oils can work on all these interfaces at once. Essential oils can also be used topically to treat all sorts of conditions ranging from acne and allergies, to headaches and indigestion. Just a few drops of essential oil applied to the hands, wrists, feet, abdomen, or lower back can provide relief for a number of ailments.
Essential oils can erase misinformation in our cells.
Essential oils have the ability to clean receptor sites on the surface of cells which allows for the proper communication between cells. Essential oils have the ability to erase incorrect DNA and then to correct it.
Essential Oils can change your nervous system biochemistry.
A Japanese study found that inhaling essential oils can modulate your sympathetic nervous system activity. Certain oils were found to be stimulating, while others were found to be calming.

Dr. Mark Tahiliani


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